

Beautiful early morning walk, amazing sounds. The birds where chatting away, the hawks where circling above and the sound of the wings of an eagle flying above with a fish.



Give from your Heart, with no expectations.

GRACE the gifting of the Universe to us.

EFFORT the gifting of us to the Universe.

What we give out, comes around many fold..


Sing and Dance

All creatures have a song or dance, oh the wonderful music of the birds and there splendid dance of flight. Humans create song, music and dance as well.

I have a ritual, every Friday, Let’s Dance!! I committed to dance at home or wherever, on Friday. Put on some music and just dance like no one is watching. it is a great physical exercise. I sing along with music as well and I speak to the Universe and show my gratitude.



Renewal is a profound tonic. With sanctuary and rest, we can prepare to go forth again.

My body needs 8 hours of sleep a night, I function at my best. Sometimes I do not get 8, but I believe the fresh air and daily peaceful walk in the mornings, allow me to maintain good sleep patterns. I love naps on the weekend.

Everything in nature is beginning to grow, birds are singing in the rain, the buds growing on tree branches, and the sun is shining for longer.